Web-eNGine: Login


Web-eNGine: Login

Login form:

My account

Заправляємо порядністю

Підписуйтесь на канал

Welcome to your personal account!
Here, you can manage your cards, bills and cardholders rights.

Горячая линия

Отдел Продаж тел +38096-766-0-766 Telegram, Viber

Бухгалтерия тел +38067-465-66-99

E-mail: dieseldiscount.ua@gmail.com

About WEB-eNGine

  • the tool is intended for use by the owners or holders of "NG-CLUB CRM" card;
  • you can specify necessary settings of the map in real time;
  • you can get current information about card accounts, limits and other parameters;
  • view statistics of card transactions, group of cards, or card numer ranges, and generate report;
  • you can configure the system to fit your needs.

Terminals network "NG-CLUB CRM"

Подробнее о Компании: www.d-d.in.ua